Sex in Valencia

Sex with escorts and prostitutes in Valencia

There are many men and women who seek sex in Valencia, whether it is free sex chat, web pages or liberal clubs like paid sex in bordellos, cathouses, escorts’ agencies or web directories. Having sex has never been so easy in the recent history of Spain. The ever increasing distancing from the Catholic morals and the acceptance of sexual desire have been some of the reasons behind the change in the social dynamics regarding sex.

Furthermore, the prostitution and sex industry in Valencia has experienced an increase in supply. Young, foreign women with amazing bodies have flooded the market with an exotic and abundant supply that in turn has led to a fall in prices, putting paid sex well within the reach of all pockets than the earlier times when it was exclusive to a few.

Why seek sex in Valencia?

The reasons between women and men looking for sex in Valencia are very different, just like their situations. Although these reasons are personal and can have many nuances, one can see general reasons that lead many women and, mostly, men to seek paid sex in Valencia.

There is a huge majority of bachelors who decide not to complicate their lives and go for an easy way to fulfill their sexual desires with a prostitute or escort. Although increasingly more, there are clients who go to brothels and whorehouses in their pursuit of variety and professionalism that their pickups cannot provide them with.

There are also those who have a partner but still seek paid sex, either because their relations fail to fulfill their sexual needs (fulfilling a sexual fantasy, low sexual frequency, dissatisfaction,…) or because they simply want to get laid with other girls.

We cannot forget about virgin men who do not find any way of having sex with any girl, thereby finally deciding to approach a sex professional in Valencia and not having to lay themselves open to ridicule or getting emotionally attached.

Moreover, Valencia is a coastal city where many outsiders from other cities of the country as well as abroad come. Many of them choose Valencia to experience sexual tourism, due to any of the aforesaid tendencies.

Whatever the reason is that may lead a man or a woman to seek sex in Valencia, it must be their top priority to do it in the best possible conditions and with the best voluntary and responsible professionals who assure a safe experience with full consent and respect. There are many escorts who voluntarily engage in this profession, but as clients it is important to try and guarantee the rights of those women who provide such an important service to many people.

Why enjoy sex at Felina Valencia?

There are many reasons for enjoying paid sex at Felina Valencia. The first and most important one is that the escorts collaborating with us are completely independent. They decide their schedules, services and the customers they want to sleep with. At Felina Valencia, no prostitute is forced to do anything. To add to this, our brothel boasts of excellent installations. Our whorehouse isn’t just clean and tidy, but it is also decorated with every detail in mind to ensure the most pleasurable experience for both the customer and the whore.

Do you need more reasons to come over to Felina Valencia? Have a look at the escorts available now. Maybe they will help you make up your mind. If you need more information or want to book a date with a prostitute to enjoy sex with in Valencia, you can get in touch with us by giving us a call on +34 677 000 222 or by filling up our web form. Remember that a pleasurable and totally legal experience awaits you.

Sex club and luxury escorts in Valencia
Felina Valencia
Visit us


Naturalista Rafael Cisternas Street, 6B
46010 Valencia

+34 961 053 154+34 677 000 222+34 695 441 329 (WhatsApp)

Line 5 & 7 - Aragon Station.

10, 12, 32, 71, 80 and N1.

Parking close.

A 10-minute taxi ride from downtown Valencia. Beware of taxi drivers. Some of them may try to take you another brothel or club in lieu of a commission. Kindly remember that our brothel is never closed.